Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I'm a big Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanatic. Love the show. LOVE IT! It's my all time favorite show, with great storylines, wonderful writing, and hilarious dialogue. Many people dismissed it as being silly, but they never understood the gem that it is. I was at a loss when the show wrapped up and went off the air. So when I found out that Joss Whedon (the creator) will be doing a "Season 8" in comic form, I was pretty elated. Fellow Buffy fans can check out the news here... It picks up the story from the last episode. The series comes out this March. I will take a Buffy fix any way I can get it. Everybody go get it!


At 9:03 PM, Blogger stephanie said...

One of our friend's old roommates used to write buffy porn. She was an odd duck, but you could probably find some if you looked on those sketchy websites!


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