I like cupcakes. These were good too. Many times I have been asked,"When will you grow up?", mostly by my father (I like animation, which roughly translates to: I still watch cartoons.) Come on though, you gotta admit, those are cool cupcakes.
I had a long argument/discussion about these cupcakes with my sis and cousin, both grown up and watchers of Sesame Place in their youths (as well as I). Before I presented them with these cupcakes, I was telling them of how I found these fun cupcakes at a bakery near the hospital I'm rotating through in Brooklyn right now. I told them I got a few cupcakes,
Big Bird,
Elmo, Zoe, and the blue guy. Cousin says,"you mean Cookie monster." Nay, I say, Cookie moster's eye were crossed (or loose and rolling around his sockets, whatever muppet impairment you want to call that), the other blue guy. Both he and sis deny the existence of another blue character. I continue to thry to persuade them of the existence of this guy. I couldn't for the life of me remember his name, but
Gonzo kept coming to my mind, but I knew that wasn't right, Gonzo was the weird nosed muppet from the muppet show with the fetish for chickens (well, for Camilla the chicken anyway.) They suggested Oscar. I was like," First of all, that's Oscar the grouch, secondly, he lives in the garbage can, and thirdly, he's green.) They still didn't believe me. I tried to remind them how he was also a
superhero and would put on a helmet and cape and fly around and stuff, and now they said I was making things up. We were discussing/arguing for a good 30 minutes or so, and finally we googled it and it all came flooding back to everyone:
Hmmm... Maybe I do need to grow up...