I have a problem. See, I do this thing where I like keeping snacks at hand, for when I end up staying late at the hospital or if I'm stuck in traffic or whatever, and it's no big deal to just leave it in there and forget it so that it's a nice surprise when needed the most. It has come in handy more times than not. Usually I just keep a granola bar or some nuts stashed in my bag and/or coat pocket, but more recently I've moved into the fruit market. I figured I would be more healthy, but the thing with fruit is that it's perishable. They don't last that long, and they have the squishable factor. I started with apples, strong, durable, but again, they didn't last that long. Oranges...shrivel up. I even did the mistake of putting a peach in bag one day. Now, mind you, I was planning on eating it that day, but the day passed and I somehow forgot about it. Fast forward 2 weeks later: I pull out a book and find the bottom of it wet and smelly like. I pull out the tie I threw in there that day to wear later and find it a mess.
Now, you would think I would learn my lesson from this, but no. After a meeting one day, I grab a pear and put it in my vest pocket to eat later, only I don't. It probably was a mistake to leave it in there or not take it out when I got home, but I figured I would eat it the next day, only, the next day was colder and I wore my coat instead of vest. Three weeks later, the next time I put on the vest, I have a nice mushy surprise waiting for me.
NOW you would think I would learn my lesson, but not yet. While working in the Peds ER, I noticed a smell. I couldn't find where it was coming from and forgot about it. The next day I noticed the smell and yet again I couldn't find it. Driving home, I smelt it again. I gave myself the sniff test, but it wasn't me. Figured it might be my labcoat. The next day, I pulled out a book, noticed a bit of stickyness to it and paid it no heed. The next day, I pulled out some papers and noticed some wetness and sticky and smelly. That managed to pique my interest and got me searching through my bag. After pulling out practically all my crap, I find a banana in there. Not just any banana, but a squished, black and smelly banana.
Apparently I seemed to have put a banana in my bag at some point, and managed to forget about it. I don't know how long that banana was in that bag, I don't know how it managed to get to the bottom of my bag and get squished and get all over my books and papers and turn them all brown and nasty. I need help.